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Sunday, September 11, 2005
  Happy 4th anniversary
Since I'm sure it has been (or will be) all over the news today, and I'm sure the El Prezidento himself will interrupt all the football games today to talk about it (probably in the most crucial final 2 minutes), I thought I'd pay my official respects to this country's lost from 4 years ago. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those still suffering their loss.

My wishes for them to let the past go and move on also go out to the same. It's been 4 years. If you're not over your grief yet, see a counsellor. You have a psychiatric illness, seek treatment.

My greatest prayers go out to all those soldiers who were duped by the president into going to war based on a lie. I don't agree with fighting another man's fights for him. If the president wants to take over the middle-east, let him do it himself.

And now, a moment of silence for all the above...
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